Beth Tries Beef… Again…

Tangerine Beef Stir-Fry

I learned that when a package says "thinly sliced" from the supermarket, it may not meet my standards of thinly sliced.  This was pretty chunky, even though I attempted to slice it a little thinner.

I learned that when a package says “thinly sliced” from the supermarket, it may not meet my standards of thinly sliced. This was pretty chunky, even though I attempted to slice it a little thinner.

In this recipe, I went ahead and added frozen green beans.  I like to have lots of veggies in my stir fry and just scallions doesn’t cut it.  As far as stir-fries go, this was pretty easy though not as awesome and tasty as some I’ve made from Everyday Food. (Has anyone else noticed how I always end up with the asian inspired food and G always ends up with the Mexican?)

It was beefy.  The tangerine cut the beefiness very slightly, so I did prefer this beef recipe to the last one I made.  The bear enjoyed it a lot, and I didn’t hate it.  I was willing to eat seconds even (mostly out of hunger).

Though I am not loving the taste at this point, I am enjoying my attempts at cooking beef.  One of these days maybe I will find a recipe I love.

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